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Biopsychosocial Factors For Behaviour & Personal Recovery Supports

  • 3 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


This module is about looking into a variety of biopsychosocial factors that affect human behaviour and mental health delving into the implications when providing positive behavioural supports, psychosocial recovery coaching and other mental health interventions. Understanding the factors that build our strengths as well as our weakness have profound effect on how we view the world, what is acceptable and is not. Humans engage in behaviours and decision-making that simply don’t serve us well. When this happens, there is often discourse internally which can have far reaching consequences for the individual, their quality of life, being accepted by others, having their needs met and so much more. Whilst this module focuses on the impacts in the provision of positive behavioural supports, psychosocial recovery coaching and all mental health supports in the disability sector. This information is invaluable in reflection on our own lives, how we conduct ourselves personal and professionally, the quality of our relationships and life in general. This is easily transferred to working with anyone with a disability and their support circle. We hope you enjoy the module as part of our special ADAPT ABILITY Training Series. This module is available on demand, runs for 45 minutes and comes with a free eBook. Our clients are as unique as the stripes on a zebra so be sure to always provide holistic and person-centered care. This module is suitable for all levelled training streams with the hours being credited to your next level. At the end of the module, you will receive a certificate, if you would like the micro-credential issued a simple email to alert us will trigger that to happen. ADAPTS training showcases your disability sector expertise at a glance. There is an eBook companion to this module which we are giving away as a special bonus. In the ADAPTS VIP Library you'll find other great eBooks along with extensive policies, procedures, resources and templates.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


Single Payment
3 Plans Available
From $99.00/month


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