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NDIS Report Writing

  • 4 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


This 90-minute jam packed course is for any professional who has reporting responsibilities within their role under the NDIS system. You will learn - How supports are allocated based on functional impact - Preferred NDIS evidence - How to empower and assist your clients to obtain maximum outcomes in any NDIS reassessment - Common mistakes which cause reductions or even cutting of funding and how to overcome those issues - Examples of quality evidence, what planners are looking for and how to use your knowledge to turn a reassessment into a 'Why Not' situation where there is sufficient and consistent evidence that answers every criteria necessary - Getting it right the first time is invaluable to participants and as professionals you owe your clients a due of care to provide quality evidence and reports that align with their goals, preferences as well as addressing everything the NDIS needs to be an easy yes There is a quiz at the end of the module to confirm you have completed the module and understand the concepts presented with an 80% pass mark. If you are a member of the Australian Counselling Association this course attracts 3 OPD. This module is suitable for the business owners / executive, support coordination and mental health levelled training streams with the hours being credited to your next level. At the end of the module you will receive a certificate, if you would like the micro-credential issued a simple email to alert us will trigger that to happen. ADAPTS training showcases your disability sector expertise at a glance. If you are a member of the Australian Counselling Association this micro-credential attracts 5 OPD.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


Single Payment
3 Plans Available
From $99.00/month


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